When Can I Eat After A Tooth Extraction?

When Can I Eat After A Tooth Extraction?

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Getting a tooth extraction is a more formal way of saying that you are getting a tooth pulled. The idea of it may sound a bit scary, but it is a rather routine procedure that is often used when dealing with overcrowding, impacted wisdom teeth, or as a last resort for tooth decay. 

While your dentist’s office can do its part to ensure that the procedure goes smoothly, the aftercare is in your hands. And a big part of that is knowing what you can eat after your tooth extraction

Days 1 - 3 After a Tooth Extraction

Local anesthetic is used to numb the area of your mouth where the tooth extraction took place, so eating anything immediately following the procedure is never a good idea. However, once the numbness begins to subside, you are able to eat certain things. Let’s take a look. 

The best thing to consume shortly after your procedure would be liquids - or things that are soft enough to go down just like a liquid. For instance, broth and soups, ice cream and yogurt (without anything chunky to chew in it), smoothies, and the like. 

After you have a tooth removed, a blood clot will begin to form at the extraction site. You want it to remain there so that healing can begin. But any harsh movements in your mouth, such as sucking, swishing and spitting, and so forth can dislodge the blood clot. So, in other words, avoid using straws at all costs. 

Days two and three can involve soft foods that require a little more effort to eat, as long as you are feeling up for it and your mouth is not overly sore or sensitive. This includes foods like scrambled eggs, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, tuna or salmon, bananas, hummus, macaroni and cheese, steamed veggies, tofu, spaghetti, and so on. 

Days 3 - 10 After a Tooth Extraction

During this time period, the site of your extracted tooth still has a blood clot that is keeping the area from getting infected. That means you will want to continue to eat relatively soft foods so that you won’t have to worry about anything making its way into the extraction site or causing any damage to the area. 

You are almost home-free, so keep it up. Stick to those soft foods discussed above just a little longer to ensure that you heal beautifully. 

Two Weeks After a Tooth Extraction

Once you reach the two-week mark after a tooth extraction, you are likely feeling much better - and back to your normal self. This is a good sign. It also means you can go back to eating your normal diet. 

Just be careful when chewing on the side of the extraction. This is probably going to feel a little different since you are missing a tooth so be cognizant as you eat and keep this in mind. 

Foods to Avoid After a Tooth Extraction

Throughout the entire two weeks following a tooth extraction, it is important to avoid foods that can cause harm to this sensitive area. This includes foods such as: 

  • Spicy foods
  • Crunchy foods
  • Hard foods
  • Chewy foods
  • Meat
  • Alcoholic beverages

So, avoid eating potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, cookies, hot sauce, taffy, hard candy, gum, and the like. The better care you take when it comes to consuming the right foods after a tooth extraction - and avoiding the wrong ones - the greater chance you have for successful healing. 

Learn More About Tooth Extractions

The dentists at Jacobs and Thatcher Dentistry perform tooth extraction procedures every day in order to help our patients to maintain good oral health. We also specialize in prosthodontics which means we are highly skilled at giving you a functional, natural-appearing artificial tooth replacement. 

To learn more about tooth extractions, contact us today at 813-634-1932. Or, request an appointment online.